Please view TogetheRaise’s Terms Of Use and Ambassador Addendum to see the full set of all instruction, rules, and guidelines related to your use of and any materials from that you use off of our website.

General Rules To Follow:

  • Engage in honest and ethical behavior at all times when using and our services . . . both on and off our site.
  • When publishing a TogetheRaise Ambassador Referral Link off of our site, such as on social media platforms or in private messages, please be sure to clearly and prominently state somewhere in your posting/message that it is an affiliate link and/or that you may receive a commission based on the recipients’ activity with such link.
  • If you have questions regarding a donation, please contact TogetheRaise. Do not contact MakeMyDonation or the charity listed in the campaign.
  • Donations and Tips are not refundable.