TogetheRaise’s Mission

Help incredible non-profits Raise More Money, Faster by combining technology, fun and excitement to increase donor and fan engagement with our fundraising campaigns.

Our vision is to become a brand name in the fundraising world where we are associated with ultra-large campaigns for important global causes. If we do our job well, millions of people around the world will become excited upon hearing about our new campaigns, knowing the magnitude of impact that we all TOGETHER create.

Who We Are

We are a small band of technologists and creatives on a mission to do good for the world.

Our co-founders, Jeremy Hinman and Eric Bassman, have been friends since meeting at Stanford and have worked together on different projects and at various companies since shortly thereafter.

Hinman and Bassman first worked together at MongoMusic, an online radio service co-founded by Hinman during the first dot-com boom. After selling MongoMusic to Microsoft in the early 2000s, Hinman had a vision for building a company that clearly and quantifiably does good for the world. After spending several years experimenting with various concepts both within and outside of the “impact” space, he came up with the idea of using data visualization to increase efficiency in the online fundraising space. Hinman decided that showing users how impactful it is to share and promote campaigns would help non-profits raise funds more efficiently. From this germ of inspiration was born TogetheRaise!

Since leaving Microsoft in 2009, Bassman has worked with Hinman on various projects and companies and has also held executive-level operations and product roles at multiple private and public tech companies.

We have assembled a virtual team of developers and designers from around the globe, all of whom who are inspired by our mission to do good and create impact. The team hails from San Jose del Cabo, Mexico; Odessa, Ukraine; and Montevideo, Uruguay - among other global locations.

Finally, to make sure we are compliant with all necessary rules and regulations, we have chosen to work with the extraordinary non-profit and fundraising legal team at Tovella Dowling in San Diego.

How We Are Different

Aside from predicating our success on using technology to increase donor engagement and excitement around our campaigns, we have a few other points of differentiation from other online fundraising platforms:

  • TogetheRaise works ONLY with non-profits

    • We want to work with organizations that have been founded to move the needle in the domains we and our donors support via our campaigns choices.
    • We make sure all the non-profits for which we help raise money are certified and in good standing so that there’s never any question that the money we help raise is going to legitimate organizations and causes.
  • TogetheRaise works ONLY on large campaigns

    • We believe that our core user experience - showing users how impactful it is to share and promote our campaigns - lends itself very well to larger campaigns. We think of our campaigns as “events”, and our users tend to get more excited the bigger the campaigns are. This, in turn, enables us to help raise and distribute More Money, Faster to our non-profit partners, which they then use to move the needle faster for their causes.
    • In addition, these campaigns are FUN! Our users love seeing their detailed Impact on our ImpactBoard as well as getting their email notifications as their Impact grows and grows!
  • With our Ambassador Program, TogetheRaise shares revenue with friends and fans of the company who help promote our campaigns

    • We believe in spreading goodness in any way we can. With our tip-based revenue model, our aim is to share as much of these generous tips as possible with anyone who wants to help us do good in the world by helping share and promote our campaigns. This also enables us to help raise and distribute More Money, Faster to our non-profit partners, which they then use to move the needle faster for their causes!

Our Plans for the Future

We are starting small, but our vision is GRAND. Our goals are all based around building our value in helping non-profits worldwide increase their fundraising efficiency - which should, in turn, enable them to move the needle more rapidly for their respective causes.

We have specific plans on our roadmap, which we are keeping mostly private for now. However, we can definitely tell you that we will enable multiple simultaneous campaigns on our platform before long!

If you’re interested in following our progress, please follow us on our various social media accounts:

How You Can Help

  • Suggest great non-profit organizations that are equipped to participate in large fundraising campaigns

  • Suggest ideas for “engaging features” that would help us achieve our mission to combine technology, fun and excitement to help incredible non-profits Raise More Money, Faster!
  • Share a campaign!
    • Donate, grab your Impact Link and share far and wide!